The city of Cleveland has been shunned by numerous star athletes throughout the years, but the city is bracing itself for the biggest backstabbing in its history tonight, as reports suggest LeBron James is leaning toward creating a megateam with Dwayne Wade in Chris Bosh in Miami.
His decision will become official shortly after 9 p.m. tonight when James will formally announce his destination toward the beginning of an hour-long ESPN special called "The Decision."
Many Clevelanders, myself included, believe if LeBron uses a TV special just to shun the city, it would be the most selfish and hurtful way to leave, putting him miles ahead of recent Cleveland sports heroes gone villains Manny Ramirez, Albert Belle and Jim Thome in the classlessness department.
Some speculation says LeBron, Wade and Bosh made up their minds about this situation weeks ago with each of them wooing other teams just to keep it covered up. If true, that would explain Bosh's refusal to accept a sign-and-trade to Cleveland and could end with tampering charges filed against the Heat.
James has expressed loyalty to Akron and Cleveland over and over again, including a tattoo of the word and saying, "Everything I do is for this city. I'm going to continue to do great things. I love every last one of you all. Akron is home," during an appearance as a rally in Akron on June 21.
Well, LeBron, since you are inviting anyone to submit a question to you via Twitter, I will propose the following: How does leaving the Cleveland Cavs (if you do so) fit your quote of "Everything I do is for Akron?"
I'm going to leave this alone until tonight both for my own personal sanity and to let things run their natural course before jumping to major conclusions.
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